The Show Radio: Episode 279 – Destiny The Taken King Impressions
So the other evening, one of my good friends Andrew Alliance kicked up a Blab with Gamertag Radio’s own Parris (@parris on Twitter). As Blab sends me notifications when a friend kicks up a convo, I jumped on to watch.
After the awesome conversation between Andrew and Parris, Andrew asked if I wanted to jump on and talk also. What I didn’t know was he was including me in the episode. In Andrew’s words… that’s dope.
We talked about the game Destiny and the new expansion, The Taken King. I’m a player, though much lower level than Andrew or Parris. I’ve been playing coop games like this since Final Fantasy XI and WoW (though, I am very much NOT a fan of WoW), and I absolutely love being able to join a party of different character types, chatting, and the like. Destiny falls right into that obsession for me (much to my poor husband’s chagrin, as I ask him to YouTube different quests I’m struggling with).
Thanks so much Andrew for having me, always a blast (even though I’m not a pro) and honestly, if you aren’t already subscribed to his show and your into tech and gaming, DO IT NOW!
Enjoy 🙂